Monday, August 6, 2007

Week Two of Training

Week two of training wasn't especially exciting, but I'll give you the update anyway. I missed one of my 2 mile walks during the week because our Journey Group from church was meeting that evening, so I made up for it by walking 4 miles with the dogs Friday morning. I stopped the stopwatch on my Garmin Foreunner for a long potty break and a water break, so we ended up making in just over an hour, which meant that we were going pretty darn fast for being a 10-legged crew! :)

Saturday morning's 6 mile walk was with my friend Amber, and I have to say I didn't do a very good job of mapping our route! It was extremely hilly, which made it pretty darn challenging. Add that to the fact that Amber is a very fast walker and I forgot to eat breakfast, and we'll just say that I was pretty darn exhausted by the time I got home! Our average mile time was 14:55, which is super fast considering all the hills we took on! I took the dogs for a 1 mile stroll upon my return, but it was already ridiculously hot by 9 a.m. and I was super pooped out! It was clear I have a long way to go before I'm ready to walk 20 miles in a day!

Sunday I was supposed to walk 5 miles, but a softball double-header in the 100 degree heat made for another very exhausting day, to say the least. After cooling off in the A/C for a while I set out with the dogs at about 8:00 p.m., but it was still very humid and almost 90 degrees outside. We went for a slow 2.2 miles and the dogs were really pooped, so I took them home and started out on another journey. Thankfully, since my wonderful husband didn't want me to be walking alone at night, he strapped on his tennies and came along for the trip! Not only was it great to have him as company, but it also forced me to get done a LOT faster, since he was only interested in walking FAST! We were able to finish my remaining 3 miles in around 45 minutes. Yeah for my walking partners! :)

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