Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week Twelve: Rain Delay and Record Day

This weekend was the most time consuming walking weekend on the entire 3-Day training schedule, and I'm really glad it's over! We were supposed to do 18/15 mile walks back-to-back, and because of the KU football game smack in the middle of Saturday, my plan was to get up super early on Saturday morning and walk around 15 miles before we had to leave for the game at 10:30 or so. At about one in the morning, there was a crazy load thunderstorm that rolled into town. When my alarm went off at 5 a.m., it was still pouring down rain with tons of lighting. I checked the radar and then went back to bed, hoping the storm would be over soon so I could start walking!

When I woke again at 6, it was still pouring and thundering, as it was when I finally got out of bed at 7:45. I called the local rec center to see if a treadmill was available and headed across town, where I started walking on the treadmill by 8:30. In a 55 minute period, I walked a very quick 4.3 miles, which was far cry from the 15 miles I had planned! I rushed home to get ready for the game, and then after a couple of long rain delays, didn't get home from the game until after 5 in the evening. I headed straight out to finishing my walking, looping back to the house every few miles to chat with my brother, who was in town from LA, and my mom, who was visiting from Topeka. I eventually finished my 15 miles (counting the 1.2 miles we walked to and from the car and the stadium) at 9:30 that night.

The bummer about finishing so late was that I had to get up at 6 the next morning to do my 18 mile walk with Vikkie in Kansas City. I drove the 45 minutes to her house, and we got started just after 8 a.m., but without the recovery time I was pretty much sore as soon as we started! We walked through some beautiful areas of Johnson County, knocking out our 18 miles with an average pace of 14:53 minutes per mile, not counting our two breaks of about 15 minutes each. We were done by 1 p.m., but I was pretty much spent the rest of the day! I'm so glad we have only one walk of over 10 miles left on the training schedule, and only 3 more weekends of training! YEA!

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