Sunday, July 27, 2008

14 Mile Weekend

My mom set a new record again this weekend with her walking--she's doing so well and I'm so excited about it! She came to Lawrence early Saturday morning, and we ended up walking 7.74 miles instead of the 7 that was on the schedule. We walked the dogs about 3.4 and then took a short break at home, after which we walked about a mile and a half to the hospital. They have such a cute gift shop there we thought it would be fun to stop and browse around and enjoy their air conditioning, but when we got there at 9:30 it wasn't open yet. We headed back out for about another 1.3 miles and then looped back to the hospital and shopped around the gift shop for a few minutes. The final 1.5 miles home was really hot since it was after 10:30 by the time we arrived, but Mom made it without too much trouble at all! Since we spent about 3 hours wandering around Target later in the afternoon, I'd say she walked well over 8 miles for the day!

Mom spent the night, and this morning we got up and walked the mutts almost 3 miles, and then walked another 3+ on our own. We finished the day before 9 a.m. with 6.15 miles under our belt! We kept a faster then normal pace and Mom didn't show any fatigue until about the last mile. Even then she really didn't even slow down. I was so impressed with her commitment and determination. Fresco was impressed with the taste of her sweat. :)

We still haven't officially registered yet, but plan to in the next few weeks. Mom is still a little nervous about the fund raising goal, and although she still isn't convinced she'll be able to handle the full 60 miles, I know she can do it!

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