Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Dallas, Anyone?

It's that time again. The 3-Day season officially started a few weeks ago. For the last several months I've been contemplating participation this year, and I'm leaning towards driving down for the Dallas event. It would be relatively close and inexpensive, and since it's not until November, the weather wouldn't be bad at all. I invited my mom to walk with me again, but she isn't feeling up for it this year, which means that I'm currently a team of only one. To remedy this, in the next couple of days I'll be sending out an email to a bunch of my friends encouraging them to participate in the 3-Day with me. Hopefully my recruitment letter will work. :)

Technically, I'm under a bit of a time crunch since I'm making this decision a little late. The 3-Day folks recommend 24 weeks to prepare, and as of right now there are only 13 weeks until the event. I'm not worried about the fundraising--I think that's always a bit easier when the crunch is on. I'm actually not too worried about the training either, only because I've done the 24-week and 16-week training schedules and have felt over-prepared both times. I'm pretty confident that I can prepare myself sufficiently in the next 12 weeks, partially because I walk pretty regularly as it is--I just need to add some long walks on the weekends. Here's the 12 week training schedule I've prepared for myself.

That doesn't look too bad, does it? Anyone interested in coming to Dallas with me? Anyone? Bueller?

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